This web page was produced as an assignment for Gen677 at UW-Madison Spring 2010.

cfh Human homolog DNA Sequence

The DNA sequence's accession number of human cfh is NM_000186.  The sequence is 4200 bp and is located on chromosome 1 at 1q32.  Chromosome 1 also contains other complement system and eye-related proteins.
chromosome: 1; Location: 1q32 (taken from

Orthologs of CFH

Human cfh has homologs in Pan troglodytes, Mus musculus, Canis lupis familiaris, Bos taurus, Rattus Norvegicus, and Gallus gallus.  Below are three examples of cfh homolog DNA sequences.
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Mus musculus, commonly known as the mouse, has a cfh homolog that is 81% identical to the human homolog based on a nucleotide BLAST search.
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Pan troglodytes, commonly known as the chimpanzee, has a cfh homolog that is 100% identical to the human homolog based on a nucleotide BLAST search.
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Canis lupus familiaris, commonly known as the domesticated dog, has a cfh homolog that is 88% identical to the human homolog based on a nucleotide BLAST search.

Animal model system for CFH and AMD
Though Pan troglodytes have the closest gene sequence to humans, they are not good choices for general exploratory laboratory experiments due to their high cost and the strict animal testing regulations surrounding them.  Therefore, if a animal model system is needed for experimentation, Mus musculus would be the best choice.  Mice have a relatively close cfh gene sequence to that of humans and the murine complement system is similar to the human's.  While still one of the more expensive test subjects, mice have a lower cost than non-human primates.  They also have fewer regulations in terms of animal testing.

DNA motifs

Searches with cfh sequence were conducted in several motif databases, but no DNA motif could be found.

Homologs were found using Homologene
NCBI Homologene:

Identity comparisons of the CFH homologs was done using NCBI's BLAST program

Rebecca Bauer
 [email protected]
last updated 5/17/2010