This web page was produced as an assignment for Gen677 at UW-Madison Spring 2010.
Popular Press Article: 3 Studies Link Variant Gene to Risk of Severe Vision Loss

On March 11, 2005, The New York Times published an article entitled 3 Studies Link Variant Gene to Risk of Severe Vision Loss.  The article does a relatively good job at describing the research and the impact on the world although there were a couple aspects that could have been better explained.  For instance, some statistics were quoted that may mean nothing to the general public.  Also, the biological role of the protein is explained in a manner that the intelligent public can understand, but it does not successfully explain how that biological role is connected to the disease.  The article does not go into methods used in the research, but perhaps this would go over many of the heads of the public.

Despite these shortcomings, the article does a good job explaining other aspects of the research.  It summarizes AMD, its affects and frequency in the population, and the current treatment.  The article explains how the discovery of the gene variant may play a role in the treatment strategies of AMD.  The article successfully explains that having the variant allele only increases the risk of developing AMD, stresses that it is not an absolute determinant, and mentions that there are other environmental and genetic factors that can come into play when determining the likelihood of developing AMD.  The article even includes a warning against the public going out and getting tested for the genetic variant because not enough is known about the gene variant (1).

1. Pollack, A. 2005. 3 Studies Link Variant Gene to Risk of Severe Vision Loss. The New York Times. National:.
Rebecca Bauer
 [email protected]
last updated 5/17/2010