This web page was produced as an assignment for Gen677 at UW-Madison Spring 2010.

 Protein-Protein Interactions

pink = experimental; yellow = text mining; blue = databases; purple = homology
According to the String Database, CFH interacts or possibly interacts with:

  • C3
  • CFI
  • CRP
  • C5AR1
  • ADM
  • ELK3
  • THBS1
  • ADAMTS13
  • HTRA1
Experimental data has only demonstrated protein-protein interactions between CFH and ADM, CRP, C3, C5AR1, and THBS1.  An interaction between C3 and CFI has been supported by experimental data.
CFH interacts with the complement 3 protein (C3).  C3 is key for the activation of the complement system.  It is cleaved into C3a and C3b to continue the cascade of the complement pathway.  CFH also interacts with complement factor I (CFI).  CFH is the cofactor of CFI in the inactivation of C3b, therefore regulating the complement system.  The final protein of interest shown to interact with CFH is C-reactive protein precursor (CRP).  CRP is able to interact with histones and DNA and is hypothesized to scavenge nuclear material left from damaged circulating cells.  CRP promotes agglutinationi, phagocytosis, complement fixation, and bacterial capsular swelling.  

Though the complementation system is involved in the inflammatory response, only one of the proteins shown above is related to inflammation.  C5AR1 is a receptor for anaphylatoxin C5a, a chemotactic and inflammatory peptide.  C5AR1 stimulates granule enzyme release, superoxide anion production, and chemotaxis.  


The protein to protein interaction map was generated by searching for CFH on STRING:

Rebecca Bauer
 [email protected]
last updated 5/17/2010