This web page was produced as an assignment for Gen677 at UW-Madison Spring 2010.

Go terms

The following are the Go terms for CFH from the Gene Ontology website Amigo.

  • complement activation
  • complement activation (alternative pathway)
  • immune response
  • innate immune response
  • extracellular space
  • extracellular region

CFH and the Complement Pathway

Image taken from
CFH plays a crucial role in the regulation of the complement system.  It is the cofactor for complement factor I (CFI) of cleavage of C3b.  C3b is necessary to continue the cascade of the complement system response.  When C3b is cleaved by CFI and CFH, the complement system is down-regulated.  CFH also accelerates the decay of C3 Convertase.  C3 Convertase is necessary to cleave C3 into C3b and C3a to replenish the pool of C3b (1). 

1. Jha, P., P. S. Bora, and N. S. Bora. 2007. The role of complement system in ocular diseases including uveitis and macular degeneration. Molecular Immunology. 3901-2908.


Rebecca Bauer
 [email protected]
last updated 5/17/2010